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Department of Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Science
University of British Columbia Okanagan
1177 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

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Ifeoma Adaji | Assistant Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.8332 | FIP 303

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Designing and developing behavior change systems and persuasive technologies such as serious games and mobile/web applications; modelling the behaviour of online users in social networks and e-commerce systems; data science; social computing; ethics and trust in persuasive technologies.
Courses & Teaching: COSC 360 Web Programming. Winter, Term 2 2022/2023; DATA 540 Databases and Data Retrieval. Fall, Term 1 2022/2023; DATA 530 Computing Platforms for Data Science. Fall, Term 1 2022/2023; COSC 421 Network Science. Fall, Term 1 2022/2023; COSC 121 Computer Programming II. Winter, Term 2 2021/2022; COSC 419F/COSC 519F Social computing. Fall, Term 1 2021/2022.
David Ahlstrom | Visiting Associate Professor | Computer Science | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Salihah Th. ALwadani | PhD Student | Mathematics | | ASC 302
Shaniya Anand | Senior Undergraduate Department Assistant | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.9563 | SCI 200
Jeff Andrews (On Leave) | Associate Professor | Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.9931 | SCI 111

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Clustering and classification via mixture models with applications to bioinformatics.
Courses & Teaching: Statistics; data science.
Jordan Andrews | Physics Laboratory Technician | Physics | | 250.807.8540 | SCI 240A
Pau Capera Aragones | PhD Student | Mathematics |
Cynthia Araujo | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Safe and effective use of radiation for the treatment of cancer including external beam and brachytherapy technique development and verification; implementation of new technology in radiation therapy; use of imaging in treatment planning and treatment verification.
Deidre Batchelar | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Advanced Imaging in Brachytherapy; high precision radiotherapy.
Heinz Bauschke | Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.8529 | ASC 352

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Convex analysis and optimization, monotone operator theory, projection methods, and applications.
Courses & Teaching: Mathematics.
Nathan Becker | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: image-guided RT, adaptive RT, quality control, and automation
Theo Bendit | Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer | Mathematics |
Thor Bjarnason | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Quality control; radiation safety; patient dose reduction; image quality assessment in planar x-ray and CT.
Jake Bobowski | Professor of Teaching | Physics | | 250.807.9506 | SCI 200B
Research Interests: Custom microwave techniques for measuring electromagnetic properties of materials; low-temperature conductivity and penetration depth of unconventional superconductors; complex permittivity of waste-activated sludge.
Courses & Teaching: Experimental physics; electronics; solid state physics; statistical mechanics.
W. John Braun (On Leave) | Professor | Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.8032 | SCI 378

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Computational statistics, with applications to fire science; statistical process control; statistical education. Most recently, I have been focusing on visualization methodology, using a class of techniques called Data Sharpening.
Courses & Teaching: Modelling and Simulation. Predictive Modelling. Data Visualization.
Wayne Broughton | Associate Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.9531 | SCI 106

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Combinatorial design theory and graph theory.
Courses & Teaching: Calculus; cryptography; applied abstract algebra
Edward Butz | Associate Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.9533 | SCI 107

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Optimal risk management strategies in neuroscience; risk management in finance.
Courses & Teaching: Financial derivatives; linear algebra; calculus.
Marco Carlone | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Simulation of linear accelerators; use of magnetic fields in radiotherapy; quality assurance in radiotherapy.
Biswapriyo Chakrabarty | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Ian Chambers | MSc Student | Mathematics |
Ken Chidlow | Sessional Lecturer | Computer Science | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Stephen Collins | PhD Student | Medical Physics |
Research Interests: Radiochromic Gel Dosimetry, Optical Computed Tomography, Iterative Image Reconstruction.
Jessica Collins | Professional Programs Assistant | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.8729 | SCI 388
Chad Davis | Lecturer | Mathematics | | 250.807.8815 | SCI 200E
Research Interests: Arithmetic geometry; algebraic number theory; elliptic curves; diophantine equations.
Courses & Teaching: Linear algebra.
Matt Davison | Honourary Affiliate | Statistics |
Research Interests: Energy finance; options pricing; portfolio optimization; Real options (with application inDefense and Medicine).
Alison Deng | PhD Student | Medical Physics |
Sylvie Desjardins | Associate Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.8767 | SCI 200C

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Mathematical ecology and insect dispersal.
Courses & Teaching: Applied mathematics; vector calculus; differential geometry; complex analysis.
Yiming Ding | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Shan Du | Assistant Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.8379 | FIP 324

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Computer Vision/Graphics; Machine/Deep Learning; Image/Video Processing; Pattern Recognition; Biometrics; Video Surveillance Systems
Courses & Teaching: Image Processing and Applications; Computer Graphics; Software Engineering; Web Programming
Sherif Elbishlawi | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Barrett Ens | Associate Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.8765 | FIPKE 325

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Human-computer interaction, Immersive Analytics, Data Visualisation, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Roozbeh Eslami | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Nima Eslami | Sessional Lecturer | Mathematics | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Sylvia Esterby | Associate Professor Emeritus | Statistics | | 250.807.9536
Research Interests: Environmetrics and ecological statistics.
Mir Faizal | Adjunct Professor | Mathematics, Physics | | SCI 103
Research Interests: Information theory and complexity; numerical analysis and dynamical systems; topological defects; quantum mechanics and its application to condensed matter systems; string theory; loop quantum gravity; astrophysics; cosmology; supersymmetry.
Scott Fazackerley | Sessional Lecturer | Computer Science | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Courses & Teaching: COSC
Rebecca Feldman (On Leave) | Assistant Professor | Medical Physics, Physics | | 250.807.8691

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Medical Imaging, MRI, Pulse Sequence Design, Image Processing, Translational Imaging
Courses & Teaching: Physics, Waves
Eric Foxall | Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track | Mathematics | | SCI 115

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Stochastic processes and mathematical biology
Yong Gao | Professor | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics | | 250.807.9503 | SCI 262

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Algorithmic and computational problems in artificial intelligence and network science; applications in social media and computational biology; graph theory and probabilistic method.
Courses & Teaching: Algorithm design and analysis; artificial intelligence; discrete structures; network science.
Chunlei Ge | PhD Student | Statistics |
Paramjit Gill | Associate Professor Emeritus | Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Sports analytics; statistical stylometry; social networks models.
John Brandon Graham-Knight | PhD Student | Computer Science |
Mohammad Abdul Hadi | MSc Student | Computer Science | | 250.899.6971 | ASC 164, Monday to Friday: 9am-4pm
Research Interests: My research focuses on two different paradigms of machine learning: unsupervised and transfer learning. In unsupervised machine learning, I am working on autonomous topic modeling in NLP. In transfer learning, my aim is to figure out how to transfer knowledge across domains or tasks that have different feature spaces, and how to transfer from multiple such source domains.
Lengyi Han | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.8879 | SCI 383

Graduate student supervisor

Donovan Hare | Associate Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.9537 | SCI 113

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Combinatorics with a focus on graph coloring problems; discrete optimization with a focus on MIP/constraint programming solutions for the high-stakes testing industry.
Courses & Teaching: Pure math; applied math.
Warren Hare | Associate Head Graduate Program, Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.9378 | ASC 353

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Mathematical optimization; nonconvex analysis; derivative-free optimization; bundle methods; applications in road design.
Mohammad Khalad Hasan | Assistant Professor | Computer Science, Data Science | | 250.807.8077 | SCI 260

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Human-computer interaction, mobile and wearable (e.g., smartwatches, smart glasses) user interfaces, augmented/virtual/mixed reality, information visualization, gesture interaction, computer vision, machine learning, navigation interfaces, input devices.
Courses & Teaching: Human-computer interaction, user interfaces, collaborative software development, scripting and reporting, data analytics.
Christina Haston | Professor | Medical Physics, Physics | | 250.807.9886 | ASC 347

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Radiation oncology; radiation biophysics.
Courses & Teaching: Medical physics; biophysics.
Fatemeh Hendijani Fard | Assistant Professor | Computer Science, Data Science | | 250.807.9607 | FIP 305

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Empirical Software Engineering; Code Intelligence; AI4SE; Code Representation Learning; Mining Software Repositories.
Courses & Teaching: Computer Science (Algorithm Design and Analysis, Computer Networks); Data Science (Data Wrangling, Data Visualization)
Alex Hill | Assistant Professor | Astrophysics, Mathematics, Physics | | 250.807.8919 | SCI 261

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Radio, optical, and computational astronomy. Interstellar gas, magnetic fields, and turbulence in and around the Milky Way. Photoionization and radiative transfer in interstellar gas. High velocity clouds. Cosmology and the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME).
Courses & Teaching: ASTR 210 (Physical Processes in the Universe), ASTR 321 (Stellar Astrophysics), ASTR 110/111/112 (Astrophysics I/Astronomy I), ASTR 120/121/122 (Astrophysics II/Astronomy II)
Michelle Hilts | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Brachytherapy for breast cancer; 3D radiation dosimetry.
Cornelia Hoehr | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Medical isotopes; radiotherapy.
John Hopkinson | Associate Professor of Teaching | Physics | | 250.807.9504 | SCI 258
Research Interests: Condensed matter theory: geometrically frustrated magnetism (spin ice, spin liquid, dimer models); heavy fermion quantum criticality. Physics Education: online vs. in-person, gender and minority differences in standardized testing.
Courses & Teaching: First year physics; thermodynamics; statistical mechanics; environmental physics; particle physics; electromagnetism; quantum mechanics; solid state physics.
X. Joan Hu | Honourary Affiliate | Statistics |
Research Interests: Event history data; longitudinal data with latent classes; marked point processes with a spatial correlation.
Courses & Teaching: STAT-285. Intermediate Probability and Statistics, Fall 2018 STAT-445/645. Applied Multivariate Analysis, Spring 2019 STAT-854. Biometrics, Spring 2019
Dominic Huang | Sessional Lecturer | Mathematics | | FIP 309
Courses & Teaching: MATH 100
Bowen Hui | Associate Professor of Teaching | Computer Science | | 250.807.9353 | SCI 257

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Learning analytics; computer science education; decision making under uncertainty; probabilistic user modeling; human-computer interaction cost models; experiment design and analysis.
Courses & Teaching: Digital citizenship; computer programming; principles of computer science; human computer interaction; software engineering.
Derek Hyde | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Image-guided radiation therapy for high-precision treatments.
Alexander Francis Iannantuono | MSc Student | Mathematics |
Research Interests: Mathematical Optimization, Optimal Transport and Distributed Computing
Pourang Irani | Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.8536 | FIP 304
Research Interests: Human-computer interaction; information visualization; ubiquitous interfaces; visual analytics; immersive technologies; persuasive health; input devices.
Courses & Teaching: Human-computer interaction; research methodologies; user interface design; visual analytics; ubiquitous computing; immersive technologies.
Marium-E Jannat | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Tenzin Jinpa | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Andrew Jirasek | Professor | Medical Physics, Physics | | 250.807.8812 | ASC 354

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Medical physics; radiation oncology physics; Raman spectroscopy; 3D radiation dosimetry.
Courses & Teaching: Medical physics; quantum mechanics; data and image processing.
Zenab Kutubuddin Kagdiwala | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Research Interests: MSc Optimization
Theresa Keeler | Department Assistant | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Medical Physics, Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.8351 | SCI 200
Reza Khanbabaie | Lecturer | Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.8356 | SCI 393
Research Interests: Brain Physics (Neurophysics); Neuroscience; Neural Networks; EEG & fMRI; Graph Theory, and Neuroeducation
Courses & Teaching: Introductory Physics for Life Sciences I and II, Electromagnetism, Intermediate Mechanics, Advanced Mechanics, Modern Physics Laboratory, Fluids, Introduction to Electronics with laboratory, Introduction to Elementary Particles.
Karanmeet Khatra | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Manish Krishan Lal | PhD Student | Mathematics |
Michael Kudla | PhD Student | Medical Physics |
Pradeep Kumar Mahato | MSc Student | Computer Science | | ASC 164
Tenzin Kunkyab | PhD Student | Medical Physics |
Thomas Landecker | Adjunct Professor | Astrophysics |
Research Interests: radio polarization, magnetic fields, interstellar medium, supernova remnants, antennas, radio astronomy instrumentation
Patricia Lasserre | Associate Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.9502 | SCI 265

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Active learning techniques for computer science; developing tools for learning, computational thinking and design thinking; application of HCI tools and techniques to improve teaching and learning.
Courses & Teaching: Programming; computer vision; HCI; project management; security.
Ramon Lawrence | Department Head, Professor | Computer Science, Data Science | | 250.807.9390 | ASC 349

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Database systems and data analytics including data integration; analysis of large-scale scientific data sets and embedded databases for Internet of Things applications; software engineering and system development.
Courses & Teaching: Database systems and data analytics; software development.
Paul Lee | Sessional Lecturer | Mathematics | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Lindee Lemon | Graduate Program Administrative Assistant | Computer Science, Mathematics, Medical Physics, Physics, Statistics | | 250 807 9657 | SCI 388
Nikolai Lesack | MSc Student | Medical Physics |
Janelle Lessard | Senior Department Assistant (On Secondment) | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics |
Yves Lucet | Professor | Computer Science, Mathematics | | 250.807.9505 | ASC 350

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Computational mathematics, optimization and convex analysis; modeling; model road design to minimize construction costs under safety and environmental constraints; creating algorithms for computer-aided convex analysis; visualizing operators in 2D, 3D, and 4D.
Courses & Teaching: Optimization; data structures.
Devon Walker MacNeil | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Jakob Marshall | MSc Student | Medical Physics |
Daniel Maxime | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Computer Science |
Heather Louise Mehain | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Marie-Pierre Milette | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Treatment planning optimization; treatment verification.
Kirsty Milligan | Postdoctoral Fellow | Medical Physics |
Abdallah Mohamed | Associate Professor of Teaching | Computer Science | | 250.807.8247 | SCI 266

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Software engineering; decision support systems (model driven and data driven); component-based software development; creative higher education.
Courses & Teaching: Computer fluency; computer creativity; programming; database systems; machine architecture; parallel computing.
Mostafa Mohamed, PhD | Lecturer | Computer Science | | SCI 200E
Research Interests: My interests span a broad range of areas including Software Development, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Automation, Embedded Systems, Data Science, the Internet of Things, Decision Support, Data Analytics, Big Data, Medical Image Processing, Parallel Processing, GPU Acceleration, and Cloud Computing. I am always eager to explore new fields and expand my horizons.
Courses & Teaching: COSC 111 101 2023W2 Computer Programming I COSC 301 101 2023W1 Introduction to Data Analytics COSC 305 101 2023W2 Project Management DATA 301 101 2023W2 Introduction to Data Analytics DATA 534 101 2023W2 Web and Cloud Computing COSC 448A 106 2023W2 Directed Studies in Computer Science COSC 304 101 2023S1 Introduction to Databases COSC 322 001 2023S1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence DATA 553 001 2023W1 Privacy, Security and Professional Ethics
Mohamed Mohamed | Adjunct Professor | Computer Science |
Research Interests: Artificial intelligence, specifically deep learning in the domains of images and videos, as well as machine learning, computer vision, statistical methods, and embedded systems.
Joshua Y. Mutus | Adjunct Professor | Physics |
Hiroko Nakahara | Laboratory Program Manager | Physics | | 250.807.9620 | SCI 239B
Apurva Narayan | Affiliate Professor | Computer Science, Data Science |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Artificial intelligence/machine learning with emphasis on explainable AI/ML and quantum machine learning; data mining; data analytics, safety and security of cyber physical systems; software engineering; graph theoretic analysis of complex systems; decision making under uncertainty.
Courses & Teaching: Machine learning; Data structures; Data mining and analytics; Software engineering.
Pinku Nath | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Murray Neuman | Associate Professor Emeritus | Physics |
Research Interests: Discrimination and separation of microscopic particles by optical and electromechanical methods; time series analysis; applications include possible development of new medical diagnostic methods based on physical sorting of different kinds of biological cells.
Courses & Teaching: Classical and quantum mechanics; optics; fluids; environmental physics.
Michael J Noonan | Assistant Professor | Biology, Statistics | | 250.807.8667 | SCI 379

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Animal movement, conservation, encounter theory, evolutionary processes, macro-ecology, and statistical ecology.
Courses & Teaching: Evolutionary Ecology (Biol 417); Statistical Modelling for Biological Data (Biol 520C); Spatial Statistics (DATA 589)
Andrew Ogilvy | PhD Student | Medical Physics |
Anna Ordog | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Physics |
Nadir Ould-Khessal | PhD Student | Computer Science |
Darcelle Paquette | Department Manager | Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics & Statistics and Earth, Environmental & Geographic Sciences | | 250.807.8405 | SCI 307
Maulik Parmar | PhD Student | Computer Science |
Rasika Rajapakshe | Adjunct Professor | Computer Science, Medical Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Medical imaging; deep learning in medical imaging; web and mobile technologies in health care; health and medical imaging informatics; cancer risk modeling; decision support systems in oncology.
Courses & Teaching: PHYS 336, COSC 335. Introduction to medical imaging; medical imaging informatics; deep learning in medical imaging.
Kyle Ranslam | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Faran Razi | Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow | Physics | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Bradley Rey | Computer Science |
Tim Robishaw | Adjunct Professor | Astrophysics |
Research Interests: Magnetic fields, interstellar medium, radio astronomy, spectropolarimetry, molecular clouds and masers.
Gema Rodríguez-Pérez | Assistant Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.8331 | FIP 302

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: o Empirical Software Engineering o Mining Software Repositories o Social aspects of Software Engineering o EDI in Software Engineering o Bug prediction and detection o Software maintenance and evolution o Open Source Software o Large Language Models
Courses & Teaching: o COSC 210 Software Construction (Winter 2023/2024), o COSC 310 Software Engineering (Winter 2023/2024), o DATA 531 Programming for Data Science (Fall 2023/2024), (Fall 2022/2023) o DATA 532 Algorithms and Data Structure (Fall 2023/2024), (Fall 2022/2023) o COSC 499 Capstone Software Engineering Project (Fall-Winter 2022/2023), (Fall-Winter 2021/2022)
Debangsha Sarkar | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Muhammad Waseem Sarwar | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Rishab Sharma | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Mohamed Shehata | Associate Professor | Computer Science | | 250.807.9063 | SCI 256

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Computer vision; video and image processing; intelligent cameras; biomedical applications; new algorithms for emerging industrial applications and software design of video surveillance systems.
Xiaoping Shi | Assistant Professor | Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.9289 | SCI 108

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Change point analysis; saddle point approximation; inverse moment approximation; k-sample inference, and cluster analysis.
Ethan Sim | MSc Student | Statistics |
Peter Simpson | Professor | Physics | | 250.807.8803 | OM2 – 109
Javad Tavakoli, PhD | Professor | Mathematics | | (250) 317-5373 | SCI 114

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Information geometry, topological data analysis, queueing theory and applications in telecommunication systems, random walks in quarter plane and applications in probability modeling.
Courses & Teaching: Recent teaching: Algebraic Number Theory, Abstract Algebra I & II, Stochastic Processes, Queueing Theory, Calculus (all levels), Topology, Algebraic Topology, Topological Data Analysis, Applied Probability, and many Directed Studies in different areas in Math.
Tony Teke | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Monte Carlo modeling; 4 Pi treatment planning optimization and verification; 4D dose calculation; SBRT/SRS; quality assurance tests for trajectory treatments.
Sonya Thomlinson | MDS Career Advisor | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.8488 | SCI 387
John R.J. Thompson | Assistant Professor | Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.8149 | ASC 348
Research Interests: Nonparametric statistics, distance metric learning, clustering, change-point analysis; Applications to wildfire science, behavioural finance and climate finance.
Courses & Teaching: Advanced regression. Environmetrics.
Hoi Kee Tsang | Faculty Administrative Assistant | Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics, Medical Physics, Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.8598 | SCI 200
Paul Tsopméné | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.8386 | SCI 259

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Algebraic topology; calculus of functors and its applications to embeddings including knots and links; manifold calculus; homotopy theory; graph complexes
Courses & Teaching: Calculus; Matrix Algebra
Rebecca Tyson | Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.8766 | SCI 386

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Mathematical biology and spatial ecology; mathematical models of ecological systems; the development and analysis of mathematical and computational models; cyclic predator-prey populations.
Courses & Teaching: Mathematical biology; partial differential equations; ordinary differential equations; numerical analysis.
AKM Amanat Ullah | Sessional Lecturer | Computer Science | | FIP 309 or FIP 310
Yann Vestring | PhD Student | Mathematics |
Dan Vollick | Associate Professor | Physics | | 250.807.9512 | SCI 264
Research Interests: General relativity; black holes; cosmology; string theory.
Courses & Teaching: Electromagnetic field theory; quantum mechanics; general relativity.
Irene Vrbik | Assistant Professor of Teaching | Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics | | 250.807.8872 | SCI 104

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Mixture models; supervised and unsupervised learning; computational statistics and biostatistics.
Courses & Teaching: Statistics, data science.
Reece Walsh | PhD Student | Computer Science |
Shawn / Xianfu Wang | Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.9524 | ASC 351

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Variational analysis; convex analysis; optimization; classical analysis; optimization applications in signal processing; statistics; communications.
Courses & Teaching: Optimization; analysis; calculus.
Dongying Wang | PhD Student | Statistics |
Mitchell Wiebe | MSc Student | Medical Physics |
Amy Wiebe | Assistant Professor | Mathematics | | 250.807.8806 | SCI 110

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Combinatorics; discrete geometry; realization spaces of polytopes and matroids; interaction of problems in combinatorics with applied algebraic geometry and optimization; equiangular lines and combinatorial problems arising from applications to digital communications.
Eric Wright | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Image-Guided RT; surface-guided RT; motion management in RT; quality control.
Yiwen Xu | Adjunct Professor | Medical Physics, Physics |
Research Interests: My research focus is on image processing for automation and cancer patient prognostic prediction with time series, image-based deep learning.
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to Medical Physics, Introduction to Medical Imaging and Imaging Informatics
Yas Yamin | Lecturer | Physics, Statistics | | 250.807.8775 | SCI 238B
Research Interests: Heterogeneous catalysis; functional surfaces; nano science; photocatalysis; air and water treatment.
Courses & Teaching: PHYS, DATA, STAT
Qiduan Yang | Associate Professor Emeritus | Mathematics | | 250.807.9540
Research Interests: Representations of symmetric and alternating groups; galois groups of polynomials; algebraic number theory.
Courses & Teaching: Calculus; linear algebra; abstract algebra.
Xinmin Yang | Honourary Affiliate | Mathematics |
Research Interests: Convex analysis; optimization; variational analysis.
Courses & Teaching: Convex analysis; vector optimization; multiobjective optimization.
Amir Hossein Zeinali Kalkhoran | MSc Student | Computer Science |
Claire Zhang | PhD Student | Medical Physics |
Research Interests: Permanent breast seed implant brachytherapy
Congsong Zhang | PhD Student | Computer Science |
Courses & Teaching: COSC 122-001
Yiqiang Zhao | Honourary Affiliate | Mathematics |
Research Interests: Block-structured Markov processes and matrix-analytic methods; censoring technique and factorizations; mean-field interaction modelling in networks; quasi-stationary behaviour; tail asymptotics and kernel methods.
Courses & Teaching: Advanced queues; queuing networks.