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Alex Hill
(He, Him, His)Assistant Professor
Astrophysics, Mathematics, Physics
Other Titles: Adjunct Scientist, National Research Council/Dominion Radio Astrophysical ObservatoryOffice: SCI 261
Phone: 250.807.8919
Email: alex.hill@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Radio, optical, and computational astronomy. Interstellar gas, magnetic fields, and turbulence in and around the Milky Way. Photoionization and radiative transfer in interstellar gas. High velocity clouds. Cosmology and the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME).
Courses & Teaching
ASTR 110/111/112 (Astrophysics I/Astronomy I)
ASTR 120/121/122 (Astrophysics II/Astronomy II)
ASTR 210 (Physical Processes in the Universe)
ASTR 321 (Stellar Astrophysics)
ASTR 401/501 (Astrophysical Processes)
PHYS 401 (Electrodynamics)
Dr. Alex S. Hill is an astronomer who joined the faculty at UBC Okanagan in 2019. After completing his PhD in Astronomy at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2011, he held research positions at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s Australia Telescope National Facility in Sydney, Haverford College near Philadelphia, and at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory near Penticton, BC. His research focuses on gas and magnetic fields between the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2011
BA, Oberlin College, 2004
Research Interests & Projects
Most of my research is carried out at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory near Penticton; some of my group is based there and some on campus at UBCO.
I supervise graduate students in the mathematics and computer science programs at UBCO and through the astronomy and physics programs at UBC Vancouver.
- Galactic science as part of the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) cosmology team
- Understanding magnetic fields in the Milky Way
- Characterization of the CHIME telescope’s beams
- Radio observations of magnetic fields and ionized gas
- The Global Magnetoionic Medium Survey (GMIMS)
- A survey using the Dish Verification Array (DVA) 15 m telescope at DRAO.
- Upgrading the DRAO Synthesis Telescope with broadband capability to achieve arcminute characterization of the magnetized, ionized gas in the Galactic plane
- Polarization and radio recombination lines with the Canadian Hydrogen Observatory and Radio transient Detector (CHORD)
- The multi-phase interstellar medium
- Numerical simulations of supernova-driven turbulence
- Ionization of interstellar gas
- The role of magnetic fields in the multi-phase interstellar medium
Selected Publications & Presentations
See ORCID or NASA Astrophysics Data System for a list of my publications. An ADS search is more complete but has some papers not by me.
Selected Grants & Awards
- Hubble Space Telescope theory grant, 2016–2017
- NASA Astrophysics Theory Program, 2017-2020
- NSERC Discovery Grant, 2020-2025
- CFI John Evans Leaders Fund, 2021-2026
Professional Services/Affiliations/Committees
American Astronomical Society, Canadian Astronomical Society
CBC Daybreak South: Fast radio bursts
CBC Radio West: Starlink Satellites