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Barrett Ens
(He, Him, His)Associate Professor
Computer Science
Office: FIPKE 325Phone: 250.807.8765
Email: barrett.ens@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Human-computer interaction, Immersive Analytics, Data Visualisation, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality
Before joining UBCO, Barrett Ens was a member of the Embodied Visualisation research group in the Department of Human-Centred Computing at Monash University and Course Director of the Bachelor of Information Technology degree. He held two student research internships with the User Interface Research Group at Autodesk Research in 2015 and 2016, before undertaking an NSERC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of South Australia’s Empathic Computing Lab.
His main research interest is the design of next-generation user interfaces that exist beyond the confines of flat screens. As computing hardware continues to shrink and meld into our surrounding environment, our digital interactions are expanding; we must rethink how to integrate the information we increasingly rely on into our tangible, social, and physiological realms.
PhD, University of Manitoba