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Eric Foxall
Assistant Professor, Tenure-Track
Office: SCI 115Email: efoxall@mail.ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Stochastic processes and mathematical biology
BASc Engineering Physics, UBC Vancouver
MSc Mathematics and PhD Mathematics, University of Victoria
Research Interests & Projects
General theory of well-mixed stochastic models of interacting populations.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Dynamics and bifurcations for a general model of host-symbiont interaction, E. Foxall. Math Biosci Eng, 16(4), 3047–3070 (2019).
Diffusion limit for the partner model at the critical value, A. Basak, R. Durrett and E. Foxall. Elec J Probab, Vol.23 paper no.102, 42pp (2018).
Coalescing random walk on unimodular graphs, E. Foxall, T. Hutchcroft and M. Junge. Electronic Communications in Probability, Vol. 23 paper no.62 (2018).
Evolutionary games on the lattice: death and birth of the fittest, E. Foxall and N. Lanchier. Latin American J of Probab and Math Stat, Vol. 14, 271{298 (2017).
Survival and extinction results for a patch model with sexual reproduction, E. Foxall and N. Lanchier. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 74(6), 1299–1349 (2017).
Critical behaviour of the partner model, E. Foxall. Annals of Applied Probability, 26(5), 2824-2859 (2016).
Social contact processes and the partner model, E. Foxall, R. Edwards and P. van den Driessche. Ann Appl Probab, Vol.26 No.3, 1297{1328 (2016).
A scaling law for random walks on networks, T. Perkins, E. Foxall, L. Glass and R. Edwards. Nature Communications, Vol.5, Article No.5121 (2014).
Selected Grants & Awards
NSERC Discovery Grant, 2018-2023