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Rebecca Tyson
Office: SCI 386Phone: 250.807.8766
Email: rebecca.tyson@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Mathematical biology and spatial ecology; mathematical models of ecological systems; the development and analysis of mathematical and computational models; cyclic predator-prey populations.
Courses & Teaching
Mathematical biology; partial differential equations; ordinary differential equations; numerical analysis.
PhD University of Washington
Research Interests & Projects
- Mathematical Modelling in Spatial Ecology
- Modelling the Dispersal Behaviour of Wild and Sterile Codling Moths
- Modelling the Recolonization of Second-Growth Forest Stands by the North American red squirrel, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus
- Modelling the Predator-Prey Dynamics of Southern Snowshoe Hare Populations
- Modelling the Swimming Behaviour of the Nematode