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Research Summary
Event history data; longitudinal data with latent classes; marked point processes with a spatial correlation.
Courses & Teaching
STAT-285. Intermediate Probability and Statistics, Fall 2018
STAT-445/645. Applied Multivariate Analysis, Spring 2019
STAT-854. Biometrics, Spring 2019
Dr. Hu received her PhD in statistics at University of Waterloo in 1995 under the supervision of Jerry Lawless. She was a faculty member at University of Memphis (1998-2003) and an adjunct faculty member at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (2000-2003), following her research experiences at Health Canada and Harvard School of Public Health. She joined Department of Statistics and Actuarial Sciences at Simon Fraser University in 2003, and is now a Professor of Statistics. Dr. Hu has taught courses at all the levels of courses at SFU, and participated in the development of biostatistics-related courses, such as the graduate courses of Biometrics and Longitudinal Analysis.
Dr. Hu obtained an NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements (DAS) (2016-2019), an NSERC University Faculty Award (2003-2008), the Frank Wilcoxon Prize of 1998 (jointly with JF Lawless), and the Pierre Robillard Award of 1996. She is an American Statistical Association (ASA) fellow and an elected International Statistical Institute (ISI) member. She has served on the editorial boards of Canadian Journal of Statistics (2010-2012), Lifetime Data Analysis (2010-2017),Statistical Papers (2011-2016), and Statistics in Biosciences (2009-present). She is serving/served as the secretary on the EC of ASA’s Lifetime Data Science (LiDS) Section (2019-2021), a member on the CRM-SSC prize committee (2017-2020), the Committee on Women in Statistics (2015-2018), the President of Biostatistics Section (2013-2014), and an Alberta – British Columbia – Yukon Regional Representative of the Board of Directors (2011-2012) of Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), a member of the International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) Board of Directors (2010-2012), and a member of the Education Office Review Committee of Chinese Government Award for Self-Financed Students Abroad (2007-2012).
PhD University of Waterloo
Research Interests & Projects
Dr. Hu’s statistical research has primarily been in the development of methodology for analysis of complex data. Her contributions in the area include pseudo-likelihood based and estimating function approaches with supplementary information. Evolving from her early work on incomplete event history data, such as censored/truncated lifetimes and panel counts, Dr. Hu’s recent interests are in various imperfect stochastic process data. Her on-going projects include analyses of longitudinal data with latent classes and marked point processes with a spatial correlation. Another research area is statistical monitoring in clinical trials. Jointly with Steve Lagakos, she proposed the repeated confidence bands approach for interim reviews.
Dr. Hu has collaborated with investigators in a variety of research fields, such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, public health, reliability, forest fire control, political science and marketing. She enjoys identifying statistical problems from real-life projects and developing approaches to deal with the issues. Her current collaborative projects include the ones from the pediatric mental health program at University of Alberta and from the cancer survivorship program at BC Cancer Agency.
Selected Publications & Presentations
Papers in Statistical Journals
- Lawless, J.F., Hu, X.J., and Cao, J. (1995). “Methods for the Estimation of Failure Distributions and Rates from Automobile Warranty Data,” Lifetime Data Analysis 1: 227-240. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Lawless, J.F. (1996). “Estimation from Truncated Lifetime Data with Supplementary Information on Covariates and Censoring Times,” Biometrika 83: 747-761. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Lawless, J.F. (1996). “Estimation of Rate and Mean Functions from Truncated Recurrent Event Data,” J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 91: 300-310. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Lawless, J.F. (1997). “Pseudolikelihood Estimation in a Class of Problems with Response-Related Missing Covariates,” The Canadian Journal of Statistics 25: 125-142. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J., Lawless, J.F., and Suzuki, K. (1998). “Nonparametric Estimation of a Lifetime Distribution When Censoring Times are Missing,” Technometrics 40: 3-13. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Lagakos, S.W. (1999). “Interim Analyses for the Mean Function of a Stochastic Process, with application to AIDS Clinical Trials,” Statistics in Medicine 18: 2287-99. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Lagakos, S.W. (1999). “Interim Analyses Using Repeated Confidence Bands,” Biometrika 86: 517-29. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J., Sun, J. and Wei, L.J. (2003). “Regression Analysis of Panel Count Data,” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 25: 25-43. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J., Schroeder, R.J., Wang, W.C., and Boyett, J.M. (2007). “Pseudoscore-based estimation from biased observations”,Statistics in Medicine, 26: 2836-52. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Lagakos, S.W. (2007). “Nonparametric Estimation of the Mean Function of a Stochastic Process with Missing Observations”, Lifetime Data Analysis, 13: 51-73. (pdf file)
- Wu, L., Hu, X.J., and Wu, H. (2008). “Joint Inference for Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models and Time-to-Event at the Presence of Missing Data”, Biostatistics, 9: 308-320. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J., Lagakos, S.W., and Lockhart, R.A. (2009). “Generalized Least Squares Estimation of the Mean Function of a Counting Process Based on Panel Counts”, Statistic Sinica, 19: 561-80. (pdf file)
- Zhao, L., Hu, X.J., and Lagakos, S.W. (2009). “Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials with Multivariate Response and/or Multiple Arms: a Flexible Approach”, Biostatistics, 10: 310-23. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J., Lagakos, S.W., and Lockhart, R.A. (2009). “Marginal Analysis of Panel Counts Through Estimating Functions”,Biometrika, 96: 445-456. (pdf file)
- Wu, L., Liu, W. and Hu, X.J. (2010). “Joint Inference on HIV Viral Dynamics and Immune Suppression in Presence of Measurement Errors”, Biometrics, 66: 327-335. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J. and Zhang, B. (2010). “Pseudolikelihood Based Testing Procedures with Response-Related Incomplete Data”,Statistical Papers, July 2010. (pdf file)
- Hu, X.J., Lorenzi, M., Spinelli, J., Ying, S.C., and McBride, M. (2011). “Analysis of Recurrent Events with Non-negligible Event Duration”, Lifetime Data Analysis, 17: 215-233. (pdf file)
- Cook, V.J., Hu, X.J. and Swartz, T.B. (2011). “Cox Regression with Missing Non-Random Covariates,” Statistics in Biosciences, 3: 208-222. (pdf file)
- Zhao, L. and Hu, X.J. (2013). “Estimation with Right-Censored Observations Under Semi-Markov Model,” Canadian Journal of Statistics, 41: 237-256. (pdf file)
- Huang, Y., Hu, X.J., and Dagne, G.A. (2014). “Jointly modeling time-to-event and longitudinal data: a Bayesian approach,”Statistical Methods & Applications, 23: 95-121. (pdf file)
- Wang, H., Hu, X.J., McBride, M.L., and Spinelli, J.J. (2014). “Analysis of Counts with Two Latent Classes, with Application to Risk Assessment Based on Physician-Visit Records of Cancer Survivors,” Biostatistics, 15: 384-397. (pdf file and Supplementary Material)
- Hu, X.J. and Rosychuk, R.J. (2016). “Marginal Regression Analysis of Recurrent Events with Coarsened Censoring Times,”Biometrics, 72: 1113-22. (pdf file and Supplementary Material)
- Braun, W.J., Hu, X.J., and Kang, X. (2018). “Data Sharpening in Local Regression Guided by Global Constraint,” Statistica Sinica, 28: 2733-48.(pdf file)
Review Papers
- Dean, C.B. and Hu, X.J. (2012). ‘Longitudinal Studies’ in Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition , A.-H. El-Shaarawi and W. Piegorsch (eds ). John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 1514 – 1518 . DOI 10.1002/9780470057339.val018.pub2 (pdf file)
Papers of Statistical Applications
- Gulick, R.M., Hu, X.J., Fiscus, S.A., Fletcher, C.V., Haubrich, R., Cheng, H., Edward A., Lagakos, S.W., Swanstrom R., Freimuth, W., Snyder, S., Mills, C., Fischl, M., Pettinelli, C., and Katzenstein D. (2000). “Randomized Study of Saquinavir with Ritonavir or Nelfinavir Together with Delavirdine, Adefovir or Both in HIV-Infected Adults with Virologic Failure on Indinavir: AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Study 359,” The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 182: 1375-84. (pdf file)
- Steen, R.G., Hu, X.J., Elliott, V.E., Miles, M.A., Jones, S., and Wang, W.C (2002) “Kindergarten Readiness Skills in Children with Sickle Cell Disease: Evidence of Early Neurocognitive Damage?” Journal of Child Neurology, 17: 111-6.
- Gulick, R.M., Hu, X.J., Fiscus, S.A., Fletcher, C.V., Haubrich, R., Cheng, H., Edward A., Lagakos, S.W., Swanstrom R., Freimuth, W., Snyder, S., Mills, C., Fischl, M., Pettinelli, C., and Katzenstein D. (2002). “Durability of Response to Treatment for Antiretroviral-experienced Subjects: 48 Week Results from AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Study 359,” The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 186: 626-33. (pdf file)
- McBride, M.L., Rogers, P.C., Sheps, S.B., Glickman, V., Broemeling, A.M., Goddard, K., Hu, X.J., Lorenzi, M., Peacock, S., Pritchard, S., Rassekh, S.R., Siegel, L., Spinelli, J.J., Teckle, P. and Xie, L. (2010). “Childhood, Adolescent, and Young Adult Cancer Survivors Research Program of British Columbia: Objectives, Study Design, and Cohort Characteristics”, Pediatr Blood Cancer, 55: 324-330. (pdf file)